Supporting Ideas and Methodology for Youth Socialization in Japan Mitoshi Nishimura ¹“¿‘åŠw¶ŠUŠwKŒ¤‹†Š‹I—vw¶ŠUŠwKŒ¤‹†6xi2008”N3ŒŽjŒ´e ‡TDIntroduction The society always required youth to achieve the desirable socialization whenever youth commits serious crime or new youth problem occurs. However, the result of this study of the youth education or the practice of the socialization support through the youth education implemented throughout Japan was not succeeded and not developed widely enough. In this study, we have analyzed documents related to youth problems in order to clarify the transition of ideas of support for youth, by utilizing gYouth problem documentationh or the like*1 . As for key words, which had been chosen from many documents related to youth problems, we analyzed them connected to the context. Through this analysis, we considered the function of ideas caused from support for youth socialization, in an approach to each personfs awareness of immediate self and of relation between self vs. self, self vs. others and self vs. society. Consequently, on the basis of a certain feature found in the transition of such ideas, we attained a more effective strategy of the support for the youth socialization. Further, we considered gWithdrawal (Stop at Home)h and the like in the filed of domestic problems, gPart Time Workersh, gNEETsh and the like in the field of support for employment. Thus, among the documents supplied by various agencies or organizations such as administration, education, job training, psychology, and sociology, we acknowledged disagreement in their issues concerning the youth socialization. This leads to several opinions about future interdisciplinary communication. On the other hand, from the analysis of documents issued by youth problem sections in administrative organs and those issued by youth educational institutions, we could state clearly the meaning of disclosing each activity result, as a tool for sharing and developing the ideas of support for youth socialization. In addition, we understood how to improve the disclosing of the activity results and their quality regarding to the reputation for the effect of socialization: guides for planning more effective policy and development of activities; and utilization of other media giving information about the practical support for youth socialization, which is frequently obtained through experiences. ‡UDPurpose In this study, the various problems related to modern youth and its support was reviewed carefully. Therefore, we have tried to clarify following matters: transition of the appearance ratio of keyword about the youth socialization, trend of the appearance of keyword, the examination of the Operation result of the appearance ratio of keyword, the support idea and the transition of "the socialization of youth" in the analysis of the main thesis view point, the transition of the socialization support idea in the documents of "youth education and its measures", the transition of the socialization support idea about "youth policy", review of the past socialization support idea, review of Japanese support idea of "respect for the individual" in 90's., review of the socialization support idea about the socialization support and the support for job and employment in the youth educational facilities, review of the idea about the support policy for " self-consciousness" "Establishing the place to fit", methodology of the socialization support through the practice of the youth education, type of the youth friendships and the method of the socialization support, sense of social competence of each type, the characteristics of apathy, the teaching method at university class which supports student's socialization, structure and effects of workshop-type class, methodology of the socialization support - through the process of the decision and the implementation of the policy, analysis of the socialization support of youth and the planning process of "building the city for child care" in Sano city, structural understanding of the socialization process, method of support at the overnight type youth educational facilities, the basic characteristics of the youth educational facilities, difficultly of the leadership and the specialty at the overnight type facilities, function of individualization and socialization required at the youth educational facilities, new understanding for the overnight group training. ‡VDMethod This study have tried to analyze more than 20,000 of the administrative materials, the research paper, etc. ("the youth problem document" in this study) as the important tools for publishing the result of the practice and study with the keyword. Among them, the main thesis of the each document - the document after 90's about "the youth education" and "the youth policy" ("the youth educationEpolicy document" in this study) - was reviewed carefully. Moreover, the framework to analyze the main thesis about the socialization in "the youth problem document" was developed through the keyword analysis over the context. 1DAnalysis of Appearance Ratio of Keywords We have checked the appearance ratio of keyword related with "self and ego", "individual and society", "family, parent and child", "discipline and moral", "social participation", "association", "comradeship", "media", and compared increase and decrease of the appearance ratio in 90's and the early 2000's about the transition of the appearance ratio of keyword about the youth socialization. 2DAnalysis of Context of "Sociality" Appeared in the Gist We classified the context of "sociality" appeared in the gist into following 5 types: (1)subjective society, (2)close others, (3)others, (4)group or organization, (5)whole society, and researched the transition in the review over the context based on each document's gist. 3DStudy of "Youth EducationEPolicy Document" Above methods were used as needed for "the youth educationEpolicy document", and they were typified for each topic, and the review about the specific subject or the recent documents was done based on the types. 4DStudy of Methodology of Socialization Support This study of the methodology of the socialization support was developed as follows. The review was done with comparing the practice implemented in the social education or the university and the result of the study with results of above youth support idea. We have tried to show the effective method based on the analysis of the questionnaire results implemented about the disincentive, especially the peer pressure, for the personal fullness in the friendship. Therefore, we classified the "self-consciousness ~ friendship" of the modern youth in to following 4 types: (1)penetrative negotiating type, (2)penetrative non-negotiating type, (3)responsive to circumstances non-negotiating type, (4)responsive to circumstances negotiating type, and reviewed the difference between them from the questionnaire results. Moreover, this study proceeded the research to identify the support method based on the understanding for the steps and the types of the socialization of the individual youth as follows: About the understanding of the steps and types of the student socialization, we classified the relationship between "self-consciousness" and the socialization into following 4 types: (1)subjective self-consciousness priority type, (2)socialized type by assimilation pressure, (3)inevitably included to society type, (4)both society and self developing type based on the contents of their description. We analyzed the contents of description literally over the review of the implementation of the class making the students to consult on the study of child raising support and the student's awareness with their study results *2. And this study classified their awareness as the socialization effect into immediate, against oneself, against others over the review of the component and the effect of the workshop type class. 5DAnalysis of Process of Decision and Implementation of the Policy From the process of Decision and Implementation of the Policy, we reviewed the method of the citizen participation about the planning of the youth socialization support. ‡WDResults and Discussion 1DAppearance Ratio of Keywords Figure 1 shows transition of appearance ratio of gsocialityh and gindividualityh. Figure1: transition of appearance ratio of gsocialityh and gindividualityh We reviewed the result from the following viewpoint. There are the themes that increase and decrease with "times" such as the past "TV game", and the present "cellular phone", and at the same time, there are "unchangeable themes" that should not be influenced by "wave of the times". They are the themes about the "self forming" such as "self-consciousness", the theme around "entrance" of the youth socialization such as friendship, association, the theme that connects "self forming" and "community assembly" such as family, child discipline, and socialization. It is important whether these themes can take root or not. 2DContext of "Sociality" Appeared in the Gist Figure 2 shows transition of context of "sociality" appeared in the gist. Figure2: transition of context of "sociality" appeared in the gist Consequently, we stated the meaning of gsubjective societyh and gclose othersh for youth socialization. 3D Youth EducationEPolicy Document We reviewed "respect for individuality" support idea in 90's based on above documents analysis as follows. (1)Movement in the early 90's; gRINKYOUSHINh *3, respect for the individual, lifelong learning (2)Adult's individual was called into question; five-day week system of the school, the depth of the individual, raising the heart (3)Each individual is living variedly; free time, solo, finding one's own identity (4)Youth education with respect to "individual"; Ambiguity of "individual" in "finding one's own identity" (5)Focus on the individual owing an unique body; clinical knowledge, experience and adventure, power to live (6)Experience and adventure to raise "clinical knowledge" (7)The individual is living in the relations between other individuals; healing, gIBASYOh *4, reference individual, the 4th place for living *5 (8)The individual is living in the community; Fusion between the school education and the social education (9)The individual can live by the approval by others; counseling mind, self-decision ability (10)The individual can live by the contribution; volunteer, youth overseas cooperation, information volunteerism (11)The support for the acquisition and the realization of the self-decision ability; "peer" as the disincentive to the participation and the realization of the individuality Consequently, we attained following conclusion about ideas of the support for youth socialization. In the ginitial report on educational reformh of gRINKYOUSHINh, the principle of respect for the individual was cited as the basic concept of our countryfs educational reform, which we have been able to catch up with Europe and U.S. The report also appealed the transition to a lifelong learning system. Receiving a great amount of influence from this concept, the youth education of e90s developed. To acquire and exercise the self-determination ability, we believe that the provision of information for making a decision, for example, is important. However, what is more important than information for the self-determination is the basic reliability for both oneself and others. For young people nowadays who think that gExcept for peers, everyone is like a landscapeh*6 (Authorfs note: Furthermore, when onefs individuality is self-suppressed in the peer relationship), the youth education, where onefs individuality is approved and also the opportunity to approve others is provided, is very effective. We cited 3 causal factors why they do not feel comfortable: (1)Pathology of family relationships, (2) Educational systemsf distortions, (3)Peer concept of onefs inner self. There are also positive aspects such as the sense of community and the role awareness. However, the awareness such as gI am doing for otherh or gEveryone else is doing ith leads to a result where onefs individuality is self-suppressed. Youth education of e90s that began with the respect for the individual has reached the year 2000, and it is getting back for the acquisition of the individuality and the self-determination ability. It is also in the developing phase to support bringing out onefs self by promoting the gparticipation.h We think it is important to keep in mind the friendship and the peer relationship as gsomeone close to one's heart.h In other words, when we can provide the vision to gacquit oneself of the peer concepth in the peer relationship of someone who gparticipate in societyh, we could demonstrate effective ways of the comprehensive support for the gindividualizationh and the gsocialization.h 4DMethodology of Socialization Support At first, in order to solve the subjects concerning the above mentioned matters, we reviewed the results of "CUDBAS Chart" , relation between "being myself" and "sociality", relation between consistency of "being myself" and attitude to consensus building, each student's image for a so-called interactive type class, and "Blank Time" for cooperation of students and for conversation in oneself. Thus, it is obviously stated that each student should have the consciousness of his or her social ability, and each student's needs for "being myself" should be understood and treated properly. Then, we attained the necessity for conversion from "individualization without sociality" to "individualization with self-positioning in society" and conversion from "socialization without individuality" to "socialization with respecting self and others". Next, in order to realize such conversion, we proposed following three methods in a university class for each student's individualization and socialization. (1)Expected ability and "Finish Image" are clearly shown and linked to real society. (2)Expected ability on graduating is previously structured by students for enabling broadly their "Social Participation" including occupation. (3)Each student's individuality is developed so as not to be assimilated by "Assimilation Pressure", but to defend oneself and others against "Peer Pressure". 5DProcess of Decision and Implementation of the Policy We found following 8 socialization promotion factors: (1)the place to fit, (2)participation, (3)friend making, (4)transmission of the culture or the labor, (5)local educational power, (6)educational power of nature, (7)educational power of the educational institutions, (8)educational power of the family. Consequently, we stated the meaning of the citizen participation to promote socialization of youth. yREFERENCESz *1 Head investigator: Nishimura, Mitoshi gTransition of Youth Problems and That of Ideas in Support for Youthh Report of Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C), March, 2007. *2 Nishimura, Mitoshi gStudy of education for child-raising support from the viewpoint of support for student socialization,h Study of Lifelong Learning, (Publication of Seitoku University Lifelong Learning Institution) No.4, pp49-62., March, 2006. *3 Ad Hoc Council on Education in Japan *4 The place to fit *5 gThe place for living" and "the place to communicate" called media *6 Miyadai, Shinji, 1997. *7 CUDBASCUrriculum Development Method Based on Ability Structure